Revere, MA – Revere City Councilor At-Large Jessica Giannino announced her candidacy for State Representative today.
“With Representative RoseLee Vincent announcing that she will not be seeking re-election, I have decided to run for State Representative. For years, the 16th Suffolk District has been represented by strong women who knew how to get things done. They have been in leadership at the State House and given a new generation of elected officials a lot to live up to. I am running for State Representative to continue the battles that remain. From protecting our environment against companies like Wheelabrator to ensuring our transportation systems work for our residents, I will be a fervent advocate for the people of Revere, Saugus and Chelsea,” said Giannino.
She added, “I am committed to running a race that takes me to every corner of the district, engaging voters who have voted for decades and those who have just registered. I will be a candidate and State Representative who provides a voice to those who feel left out of the conversation and bringing our communities together on the many issues that we all care about. Good schools, safe streets, a place to live, work and raise a family in…these are the issues we ALL care about regardless of how long we have lived here and where we have come from. I look forward to speaking with each of you in the coming months, and hope to earn your support before the Democratic Primary on September 1st.”